01 January 2024

Chicken Salad

In early 2020, circumstances forced me to cook at home more. I've been enjoying the practice and have continued. This year, I'll note some of my favorite concoctions on my blog to keep them in one place and to share with other eaters and cooks.

Chicken Salad sandwiches
Shredded, cooked chicken (for speed, Maple Leaf in Canada sells cooked chicken pre-shredded, or grab a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store)
Mayonnaise to taste
Add-ins: finely chopped is recommended 
water chestnuts
peeled apple
dried cranberries (don't need chopping)
green bell pepper
Mix all together very well, then serve on favorite bread.
This is a fun way to get some veggies into a light lunch.
Sometimes we opt for green onions instead of green peppers.
I'm trying to avoid buying celery since I found out it's an awful crop for the workers to harvest 😢☹️😡 -- "Celery is known to contain psoralens, a group of substances that cause a toxic dermal reaction."
Occasionally I'll toss in some unsalted sunflower seeds if I don't have a can of water chestnuts in the pantry.
Dried currants work well too, instead of cranberries.
The key is to add crunchy or crispy or chewy ingredients to offset the squooshy goodness of chicken and mayo. Unless you make your own mayonnaise, I recommend holding off on any extra salt when you assemble the sandwich because store bought mayo has mucho salt.

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