15 February 2022

The Lady with a Lamp (1951)

No. 112. This bio-pic about Florence Nightingale features Brit Anna Neagle. Hard to watch government types ignoring sanitation and health requirements of soldiers because they didn't want to spend money on people. So much resonance with today's situation. Sad. Nightingale advocated air ventilation in sick rooms and hospitals back in 1855. Humans are so slow to change!

13 February 2022

The More the Merrier (1943)

No. 111 stars Jean Arthur, who I really like -- she makes the most amazing nonlinguistic sounds. But this WWII movie is racist classist misogynistic etc etc. It's hard to fall in love with any character in a romance movie when they are plopped into 1943 US society ... Also starring Joel McCrea and Charles Coburn.